Promotion and protection of the rights of persons with disabilities

In 2022, AICS has invested 8% of total funding in disability with projects that focus more on the sector of health, education, governance and strengthening the knowledge of civil society.


25 January 2024

AICS published the report “Promozione e la protezione dei diritti delle persone con disabilità. Analisi dati nel settore disabilità 2022”. 

The document helps to understand dimensions and features of the fundings in this sector and highlights the attention given by AICS to the promotion of the rights of persons with disabilities. 

In 2022, AICS has invested 8% of total funding in disability with projects that focus more on the sector of health, education, governance and strengthening the knowledge of civil society. The countries most affected are those in Africa and the Middle East.

AICS follows in its commitment to leave no one behind and this report is a tangible evidence.

Last update: 26/01/2024, 13:08