The Italian candidacy for the World Water Forum 2027

Nei tre giorni della visita, la Delegazione del World Water Council ha avuto modo di incontrare le numerosissime istituzioni, associazioni e imprese, italiane ed europee, che sostengono la proposta italiana di ospitare a Roma l’edizione del 2027 del World Water Forum.


30 January 2024

Reading time:

1 min

The inspection visit of the World Water Council Delegation for the evaluation of the Italian candidacy to host the 2027 edition of the World Water Forum in Rome ended last week. The delegates, welcomed at Palazzo Chigi by the President of the Organizing Committee and Advisor to the Vice Premier Antonio Tajani, Maria Spena and by the Spokesperson of the Vice Premier, strongly appreciated the Italian proposal, the commitment shown by all the actors involved, the choice of the central theme – ONE WATER  – and the idea of ​​an open and inclusive “pop” Forum, illustrated by Emilio Ciarlo, head of institutional relations of AICS – Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and general director of the promoting committee.

During the three days of the visit, the international guests had the opportunity to meet the numerous Italian and European institutions, associations and companies that support the Italian proposal. First of all, the political leaders such as the Minister of the Environment, Gilberto Pichetto Fratin; the Minister of Civil Protection, Nello Musumeci; the Minister of University and Research, Anna Maria Bernini, while the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Vice Prime Minister, Antonio Tajani as well as the Minister of Agriculture, Francesco Lollobrigida, engaged in institutional missions, sent messages of full support for the proposal.

The programme of the site visit included meetings with the President of the Lazio Region, Francesco Rocca, the Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri and that of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, as well as many representatives of Civil Society, profit companies and international subjects of cooperation including the Director of AICS, Marco Riccardo Rusconi.

In addition to the panorama of the Italian actors who support the candidacy, the Council delegation visited various buildings in the EUR district, primarily La Nuvola and Palazzo dei Congressi, structures which should host, in the event of a victory, the heart of the Forum or the exhibition space and rooms for scheduled conferences and side events.

The inspection visit of the World Water Council Delegation

Meeting at Palazzo Chigi with AICS Director, Marco Riccardo Rusconi
Meeting with Francesco Rocca, President of Lazio Region
Meeting with Anna Maria Bernini, Minister for University and Research
Meeting with Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, Minister for the Environment and Energy Security
Meeting with Sabrina Alfonsi, Rome's councillor with responsibility for the environment
Visit to the Capitoline Museums
Visita to "La Nuvola" Convention Center
Dossier Presentation at Tempio di Adriano

Last update: 30/01/2024, 12:45