World Water Day: AICS’efforts

For AICS the theme of water plays a fundamental role in every sustainable development action and is therefore present in all the initiatives financed by the Italian Cooperation both in the agricultural and non-agricultural fields.


22 March 2024

Reading time:

1 min

The event entitled Water for Peace: good irrigation practices for food security and sovereignty at a national and international level, organized by CREA, Council for agricultural research and analysis of agricultural economics, was held today in Rome , on the occasion of World Water Day 2024.

For AICS the theme of water plays a fundamental role in every sustainable development action and is therefore present in all the initiatives financed by the Italian Cooperation both in the agricultural and non-agricultural fields.

AICS, operating in accordance with what is established in the DTPI and with the principles of sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda, promotes initiatives that aim at the conservation and rational use of water resources at all levels, respecting the interests of the various sectors involved, both productive, and therefore agricultural, hygienic and for people’s consumption.

Specifically, in the agricultural sector, the Agency’s interventions have the aim of both innovating and rationalizing irrigation systems and improving the overall water cycle with important effects on the mitigation and adaptation to climate change and on reducing the risk of natural disasters.

Based on Italy’s important expertise in the field of integrated water resources management, AICS seeks to increase opportunities for sharing and developing skills in partner countries, at all levels, through an increasingly active and concrete involvement of the different actors Italians in development cooperation, such as central state administrations, local authorities, CSOs, universities, public research bodies and public territorial government bodies such as basin authorities, reclamation consortia and irrigation consortia.

The main areas of AICS intervention are towards the African continent, in particular in the Sahel and in northern and southern Africa, and in the Near East, promoting and integrating the innovative and traditional practices available and improving governance, through the increase of the active participation of all actors in the integrated management of water resources at all levels.

Last update: 29/03/2024, 10:42