Inauguration of the HOSAGUA Digital Training Center in Guatemala

The activity is part of the MELyT program, the second phase of which is carried out by ONU Mujeres and financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS)


22 April 2024

Reading time:

1 min

The HOSAGUA Digital Training Center was inaugurated in Chiquimula, Guatemala, a space dedicated to strengthening the digital, entrepreneurial and financial skills of women in the Trifinio Region, an area between Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

The center provides internet connection, computer equipment and digital training courses, with the aim of reducing technological gender disparity. The activity is part of the MELyT program, the second phase of which is carried out by ONU Mujeres and financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS). The objective of the initiative is to promote female empowerment through digital and financial inclusion, as well as the creation of social protection spaces that facilitate women’s participation in the local economy.

“This center is a space where education and technology come together to overcome the barriers women face and build bridges to a more prosperous and equitable future,” said Gloria Carrera Massana, Country Representative of ONU Mujeres Guatemala.

The new center responds to the requests of the women of Red HOSAGUA to improve their IT skills to grow their commercial activities and develop proposals for service projects in the area. “I am very happy that the dreams expressed can be realized thanks to the support that the Italian Cooperation has channeled through MELyT. A world of connections is now opening up, we are already thinking about the future so that we can make the most of this opportunity and give continuity to the center” commented Paolo Gallizioli, Director of the AICS office in San Salvador.

The center was also equipped thanks to the contribution of the private sector, in particular CBC (The Central America Bottling Corporation) and FUNSEPA (Fundación Sergio Paiz Andrade), with which ONU Mujeres has created important synergies to contribute to the economic emancipation of women in the territory of the Trifinio.


Last update: 24/04/2024, 9:42