AICS Kiev and the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics sign a Memorandum of Understanding

Thanks to this partnership, KNUTE students will have the opportunity to participate in internship programs at AICS offices in Kiev, where they will be able to gain practical experience and an in-depth understanding of operational mechanisms in the field of international cooperation


16 May 2024

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1 min

The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Kiev today signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (KNUTE). This agreement represents a significant step in strengthening training and development opportunities for Ukrainian students in the field of international cooperation.

KNUTE, an illustrious university center and member of the European University Association, welcomes over 33,000 students and offers a wide range of training courses, including 68 bachelor’s programmes, the same number of master’s programs and 15 doctorates, distributed in 10 cities.

Thanks to this partnership, KNUTE students will have the opportunity to participate in internship programs at AICS offices in Kiev, where they will be able to gain practical experience and an in-depth understanding of operational mechanisms in the field of international cooperation. Working closely with industry experts, students will have the opportunity to interact with the diplomatic world, the European Union, the United Nations and various civil society organizations, both Italian and international. This will allow them to develop crucial professional skills and build a network of valuable contacts for their future. The internships, which will begin next September, involve welcoming up to four students for a period of between three and six months.

“This agreement represents a crucial step to provide Ukrainian students more opportunities for training and growth in the field of international cooperation and, at the same time, strengthen our capabilities. At a time of unprecedented challenges for Ukraine, we want to highlight the vital importance of culture, collaboration and the strengthening of international relations. The university’s motto states, “scientia difficiles sed fructuosa”, and we are confident that joining forces we can transform this experience into a precious investment for the future”, declared Pietro Pipi, head of the AICS office in Kiev.

The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding, followed by a show organized by the students, took place at the KNUTE University premises. 

The Rector of the University, Anatoly A. Mazaraki, emphasized the vital importance of the exchange of experiences between Ukrainian and Italian academic institutions, highlighting its fundamental role in the training of qualified specialists.  

This event marks the beginning of a collaboration aimed at building bridges that overcome contingent challenges, moving towards a future of mutual enrichment and prosperity.

Last update: 22/05/2024, 15:31