Italy&Africa: fourteenth edition of the SPeRA Conference

Born in 2010, after the organization of the first national conference, the SPeRA Consortium today brings together 56 Italian voluntary associations operating in Africa in different sectors, from training to social, through construction and healthcare


27 May 2024

Reading time:

1 min

The Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Marco Riccardo Rusconi, participated in the fourteenth edition of Italia&Africa in Genoa, organized by the SPeRA Consortium.

Born in 2010, after the organization of the first national conference, the SPeRA Consortium today brings together 56 Italian voluntary associations operating in Africa in different sectors, from training to social, through construction and healthcare. The objectives of the Association Statute are aimed at offering support for the realization of the members’ projects, developing collaborations and optimizing the human and economic resources invested by the individual associations for their own projects, aiming for a single representation to strengthen relationships with the institutions in the building synergies in solidarity projects.

“I greatly appreciated the format of this edition, which brought together actors from different backgrounds united by the horizon of a strengthened partnership with Africa. There is a need to “consortium” the forces, in a logic of complementarity of skills and subsidiarity of roles,” are the words of Director Rusconi. “The Mattei Plan emphasizes this way of operating and Italian Cooperation, with the Agency on the front line, it offers tools and support for synergistic and impactful action. In this context, voluntary associations are also important players, called upon to implement quality projects that can find support, for example, with the OSC call still open”


Last update: 07/06/2024, 12:55