The Mayor of San José, Diego Miranda, together with the Italian Ambassador to Costa Rica, Alberto Colella, and the Director of the AICS office in San Salvador, Paolo Gallizioli, has signed the formal agreement to join the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP), also known as the Milan Food Pact.
Launched by the City of Milan in 2015 during the Expo themed “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life,” the Pact is an international agreement on food policies signed by nearly 300 cities worldwide. According to the first article of the MUFPP, signatories commit to developing sustainable food systems that are inclusive, resilient, safe, and diverse, offering healthy, affordable food for all within a human rights-based framework. They also aim to minimize food waste, preserve biodiversity, and adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change.
The San José Municipality’s commitment is part of the Italian Cooperation’s efforts to strengthen the MUFPP network in intervention countries, fostering the spread of food policy in both Italian and international discussions.
The Pact assists signatory cities in developing innovative food policies, enhancing the skills of local government officials through webinars and direct support from the MUFPP Secretariat. Additionally, signatory cities gain access to project proposals and receive support in identifying local and international partners to establish their food policies and implementation actions. Key areas of interest for San José Municipality include the management of school cafeterias and nutrition for vulnerable elderly populations.