
New AICS Office Inaugurated in Kampala
Together with the recent opening of the Abidjan office in Côte d'Ivoire, this development is a result of the relaunch of Italian Cooperation in Africa, as established by the Mattei Plan. With the opening of its new office in Kampala, AICS strengthens its commitment to Uganda, a priority country for Italian Cooperation, by operating in key sectors such as healthcare, education, agriculture, and environmental conservation.

Mission of Director Rusconi to Libya and Tunisia
Accompanied by Head of Office Isabella Lucaferri, the Director met with the local staff and the UN Country Team in Tripoli, in preparation for the full resumption of activities following the signing of the Cooperation Memorandum in October 2024

Director Rusconi’s Visit to the AICS Tunis Office
The meeting provided an opportunity to reaffirm the central role of the Regional Office in Tunis and to highlight the work of the new Country Program, which will focus efforts on the traditional sectors of Italian Cooperation in Tunisia.

Mission to Colombia: innovative cooperation in a country with many challenges
AICS’s work in Colombia continues to play a crucial role in improving the socio-economic conditions of local communities, promoting inclusion, equality, and sustainability. This mission reaffirmed Italy’s commitment to building innovative, sustainable, and inclusive development initiatives in Colombia, particularly through public-private partnerships, research, and Italian expertise. These key concepts were discussed in a meeting with the Colombian Presidential Agency for Cooperation, exploring future collaborative perspectives.
AICS Hanoi: mission of Mr Giuseppe Cerasoli, Administrative Deputy Director
In line with the effort to improve the Governance of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, AICS, Mr Giuseppe Cerasoli, Administrative Deputy Director and Head of Corruption Prevention and Transparency of the Agency, conducted a mission to the AICS Office in Hanoi, Vietnam
Cameroon: Monitoring Mission on the PACUS Project Against COVID-19
A delegation from the VII Office of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), responsible for the PACUS project, and staff from the Yaoundé office of AICS Niamey, conducted a monitoring mission in Cameroon.
Joint Mission in Niger on Early Warning Systems
A joint mission was conducted in Niamey from July 29 to 31, 2024. The mission included representatives from AICS Niamey, AICS Rome, UNDRR, UNDP, CIMA Foundation, and the African Union. The goal was to define priorities with a participatory approach and to identify, by capitalizing on the results of past or ongoing Italian initiatives, the actions to be implemented to strengthen early warning systems in Niger.
The Italian and Senegalese Governments Together for the Promotion of Women’s Rights in Senegal: AICS Deputy Technical Directorate Mission from July 3 to 11, 2024
The mission of the AICS Deputy Technical Directorate, held from July 3 to 11, 2024, focused on the actions implemented by the Agency in Senegal concerning gender equality, has concluded. Numerous meetings and field visits were conducted, during which the efforts made by the Senegalese government, supported by Italian Cooperation, to activate services to combat […]

Africa a Priority for Italy: Regional Meeting of Ambassadors and Italian Development Cooperation Directors in Southern Africa Held in Cape Town
The first session focused on the prospects of Italian action in Southern Africa, aiming to launch major development projects with an "equal partnership" approach, while the second session centered on the contribution of the new Italian Cooperation strategy in Africa to the success of the Mattei Plan.
Biodiversity safeguarding and eco-tourism promotion in Gilgit-Baltistan
During 4 days of mission, the Minister of Tourism of GB Region and Representatives from GB Department for Wildlife and Parks accompanied AICS delegation, offering insights about the work jointly delivered with IUCN and local communities, addressing project’s ownership in partnership with villagers and quality accountability by local partners, methodological pillars of the Italian Cooperation in Pakistan.
High technology: institutional mission from Mozambique
The mission concluded with a visit to the Agency's headquarters where the delegates shared their first reflections on the experience they had in Italy. Digitalisation represents a strategic front for AICS and, in particular, for the foreign office in Maputo, active on numerous project paths.

New AICS offices in Dakar
A larger and more functional location responds to the need to strengthen the Agency, called to an increased role with the recent Mattei Plan. Furthermore, the new headquarters is proposed as a strengthened pillar of the Italian System in Senegal and an even more efficient point of reference for cooperation entities

The Italian Cooperation System Mission continues in Ghana
The Italian Cooperation System Mission in West Africa continues and will then materialize with an area meeting of the Ambassadors and Directors of the offices of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in West Africa

Italian Cooperation System Mission in West Africa
Alongside the head of delegation Stefano Gatti, General Director for Development Cooperation of the MAECI, the Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Marco Riccardo Rusconi participates in a series of meetings aimed at deepening and enhancing the interventions underway in Countries in the area.

ICRC donor mission: an AICS delegation in Colombia
The Deputy Technical Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, Leonardo Carmenati, was able to meet healthcare personnel on the front line and appreciate the central role of the ICRC delegation in Colombia

The new office of the AICS regional headquarters was inaugurated in Nairobi
With a total portfolio of approximately 255 million Euros, which includes donated, aid credit and European Union-funded initiatives, the Aics regional headquarters in Nairobi collaborates with a vast network of local and international partners
AICS Hanoi: a mission to the field office
The meetings allowed to evaluate the results achieved by the regional AICS Office in Hanoi, considering the peculiarity of the region of intervention that pushes the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation to explore innovative cooperation strategies and tools

Mission to Syria and Lebanon: Director Rusconi confirms the commitment of the Italian Cooperation in the area
In Lebanon, Director Rusconi was able to meet some of the main institutional interlocutors involved in the implementation of Italian Cooperation interventions in the country and now historic partners of AICS Beirut.
Aics: the first mission carried out in Somalia outside the compound
Three days of visits and institutional meetings and monitoring of ongoing initiatives in one of the priority countries of our Cooperation for the Italian Ambassador to Somalia, Pier Mario Daccò Coppi, and the Head of the Aics office in Nairobi, Giovanni Grandi
Missione to Odessa for the reconstruction of the transfiguration Cathedral
The project envisages rebuilding the Transfiguration Cathedral; securing the cultural sites in the historic centre that are on the UNESCO’s List of World Heritage in Danger; and implementing the city’s master plan
Verification mission in Colombia: projects and institutional meetings
The mission started with a meeting with the Italian Ambassador to Colombia Giancarlo Maria Curcio and the Director of the AICS Bogota headquarters, focused on the importance of the work conducted by the Italian System, especially on the areas of culture and innovation.

Director Rusconi in Algeria for an institutional mission
As part of the visit, the AICS Director met Major General Abed Hallouz, head of the Algerian International Cooperation Agency for Solidarity and Development.
South Sudan: CERF allocates 10 million for an urgent response to cope with surging displacement
La somma stanziata dal CERF per il Sud Sudan sarà utilizzata per continuare a sostenere gli sforzi profusi per il benessere e la protezione dei nuovi arrivati da metà dicembre.
Mozambique: CERF allocates 1.5 million to fight cholera epidemic
Italian Cooperation has invested in CERF according to the annual budget availability from the portion dedicated to humanitarian aid. In 2023, the contribution of 15 million euros allowed to position itself in the group of the main 10 donors of the Fund.
The V Office – AICS on a monitoring mission in Vietnam
The three weeks mission is part of the monitoring activities for 2023, and it included a week of institutional meetings and document analysis work in the AICS headquarters in Hanoi
Two visits to the AICS Havana headquarters
During the last week of November, two important visits by the headquarters took place at the AICS Havana headquarters, which strengthened the synergy between the competent offices that collaborate remotely day after day