AICS at Codeway 2024: scenarios, objectives and opportunities in the cooperation of the future

Best practices and successful projects will be at the center of the numerous interventions and in-depth panels on the topic of virtuous partnerships between private and public, the involvement of the academic world and research and professional training in the agricultural, environment and health sectors.


15 May 2024

Reading time:

2 min

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-15 at 11.41.01

This year’s edition of Codeway Expo organized by Fiera Roma is an opportunity for the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation to take stock of the changes and new cooperation strategies that the Mattei Plan and the changed political-economic scenarios require: complete and integral knowledge of the contexts in which the Agency operates, work from the territory and quality training for real sustainable and long-lasting development capable of bringing work and growth to people and communities, with particular attention to young people, women and marginalized minorities and with an increasingly decisive involvement from the for-profit business world.

Best practices and successful projects will be at the center of the numerous interventions and in-depth panels on the topic of virtuous partnerships between private and public, the involvement of the academic world and research and professional training in the agricultural, environment and health sectors.

The director of AICS, Marco Riccardo Rusconi, will speak in various panels including the opening one “Opportunities for the private sector in the new global scenarios of development cooperation“, the one on “Training and development. Investing in people”, the panel “Piano Mattei: cases of successes to scale and critical issues to resolve. A dialogue between institutions, civil society and the private sector” organized by AVSI, the one “A Brighter Future: The Migration and Development nexus“, organized by LINK 2007 and finally the panel “Africa, Mattei Plan, Shared Development for Small and Medium Businesses”, organized by Confartigianato.

The AICS Stand will also host the following events:

on May 15th, at 11.45 am – “The effectiveness of development cooperation: the AICS approach compared”, edited by AICS;

on May 16th, at 11 am “UNIDROIT instruments for the SDGs”, organized by UNIDROIT

– on May 17, at 10 am “Italy – Africa training & investing for sustainable development”, organized by AICS

“Cooperation in the coming years will require a global commitment from all cooperation actors: institutions, NGOs, CSOs and above all the for-profit business sector.” – comments Marco Riccardo Rusconi, Director of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. “It will be essential, even more in the spirit of the Mattei Plan, to exploit the potential of the Italian entrepreneurial fabric, of our country’s development model and of the expertise that we can also boast in the sectors of training of technical and academic excellence. There will be months of new and stimulating challenges for our cooperation which, more than ever, will be able to bring authentic and lasting development.”

Last update: 15/05/2024, 13:44