AICS and IDLO: a meeting to promote legality for peaceful and inclusive societies

An opportunity to reiterate the importance of the rule of law and good governance as fundamental factors for sustainable development in a framework of peace and of respect and promotion of human rights


4 April 2024

Today Director Marco Riccardo Rusconi has met with a delegation from IDLO – International Organization for Development Law, led by Director General Jan Beagle.

The meeting was an opportunity to reiterate the importance of the rule of law and good governance as fundamental factors for sustainable development in a framework of peace and of respect and promotion of human rights.

As reiterated by Director Rusconi, Italy has adopted this approach, summarized in the Sustainable Development Goal 16 on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, and firmly promotes the need to maintain dialogue on these issues with all partner countries, possibly also with non-state actors.


Last update: 04/04/2024, 14:42