Postgraduate Course on protecion of cultural heritage in fragile contexts

AICS Ufficio III (Culture Unit) organizes, during the academic year 2023/2024, a post graduate specialized course  in "International Operators for Cooperation and Protection of Cultural Heritage in Fragile Contexts".


11 January 2024

Reading time:

1 min

In partnership with University of Florence, ICOMOS e CRI, and in collaboration with ICRROM and Comando Carabinieri Nucleo Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale, AICS Ufficio III (Culture Unit) organizes, during the academic year 2023/2024, a post graduate specialized course  in “International Operators for Cooperation and Protection of Cultural Heritage in Fragile Contexts“.

The 60-hour advanced course will be structured on 10 modules/day with Final Test, Certification and a possible Internship. Registrations are open until January 19th for a participation fee of 550 euros and one free place reserved for AICS. The course can start with at least 12 applications.

The training will enhance the quantitative and qualitative commitment of AICS in this field of activity, taking into consideration all the geographical areas of intervention in the past years.

All the informations are published by UniFi on the institutional website.


Last update: 11/01/2024, 12:58