The Italian system supports the Ethiopian textile sector for a sustainable and inclusive development

It has been organized a study tour in Milan, with some of the excellences of the Italian system, from trade associations to academic institutions, passing through international companies.


19 December 2023

Reading time:

1 min

The activities of the Italian Cooperation in Ethiopia for the textile sector are focused to the support of the value chains and to contribute to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and artisan cooperatives, with a view to sustainability and inclusiveness, as for decent jobs.

As part of the initiative “DEVELOPMENT OF CAPACITY AND FOR THE CREATION OF EMPLOYMENT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND WOMEN IN THE TEXTILE SECTOR IN THE REGIONS WITH THE GREATEST MIGRATION INCIDENCE“, managed by AICS Addis Ababa for a budget of 3,500,000 euros, of which 2,500,000 euro on the multi-bilateral channel implemented by UNIDO and 1,000,000 as an on-site management fund entrusted to OSC, it has been organized a study tour in Milan. The objective of these meetings with some of the excellences of the Italian system, from trade associations to academic institutions, passing through international companies, is to give support to the Ethiopian private sector through technical-professional training and entrepreneurship development programmes.

The delegation, composed of the highest representatives of Ethiopian government institutions, including the Ministers of Industry, Godana Tarekecgn  and Gizaw Zerihun Abebe,  Yadessa Teshale Berecha Minister of Labor and Skills, Bekele Seleshi Lemma, Director General of the Industry Development Institute ‘Manufacturing industry, Medesko Ngussie Godana, manager of the textile and clothing industry R&D center, Goshu Negash, President of the Ethiopian Textile and Clothing Manufacturing Association, the mayor of Addis Ababa Gebre Fisseha Tibebu, had the opportunity to share ideas and talk about challenges and possible innovative solutions on some of the most important issues for the textile sector at a global and local level in the name of inclusive sustainability focused on creating sustainable economic development and the creation of dignified employment opportunities.

Last update: 21/12/2023, 9:47