MoU between AICS and ADM for joint programs in the beneficiary countries of the Italian Cooperation

The synergy between the two Agencies will contribute to strengthening the action of the Italian Cooperation, starting from the southern shore of the Mediterranean, Africa and the Balkans and, indirectly, it will be able to favor economic operators engaged in import and export operations in these areas


7 March 2024

Reading time:

2 min

In the presence of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Hon. Edmondo Cirielli and the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Maurizio Leo, Marco Riccardo Rusconi, Director of the Italian Agency of Development Cooperation and Roberto Alesse, Director of the Agency of the Customs and of Monopolies, signed a collaboration agreement today at the Farnesina. The synergy between the two Agencies will contribute to strengthening the action of the Italian Cooperation, starting from the southern shore of the Mediterranean, Africa and the Balkans and, indirectly, it will be able to favor economic operators engaged in import and export operations in these areas.

As underlined by Deputy Minister Cirielli, “the agreement signed today will allow the Customs Agency to be involved more than in the past in important cooperation projects, to be framed in the broader strategic vision desired by the Government through the Mattei Plan”. In these terms, continued the Hon. Cirielli, “ADM’s role is established through consolidated and recognized experience in previous cooperation and capacity building projects in favor of third countries in crucial areas”.

“The signing of this agreement”, said Deputy Minister Maurizio Leo, “responds to the logic of “building a system” between Public Administrations. The knowledge and professionalism of these two excellences are thus brought together to promote international cooperation in countries of strategic interest for Italy” continued the Deputy Minister, “By uniting the best synergies between the institutions of the Italian Republic, we are able to best interpret the evolution of the times”.

“To improve the quality of our interventions”, declared the Director of AICS Marco Riccardo Rusconi, “it is essential to make use of excellence such as ADM, whose role will materialize in participation in projects financed by AICS in the form of assistance programs, support and training, to make the action of the Italian Cooperation even more structured”.

“ADM makes its vast technical expertise available for the implementation of cooperation projects. Without a doubt, this will also have positive repercussions on economic operators who work in certain geographical contexts, and it will be able to contribute to the implementation of the objectives of the Mattei Plan in support of the most disadvantaged countries”, these were the words of director Alesse on the sidelines of the event.

Last update: 07/03/2024, 9:59