Italian Cooperation renovates its efforts against corruption in Ukraine

The Italian Cooperation reaffirmed its commitment to promoting legality, transparency and the fight against corruption in Ukraine during a discussion table, held at the Regional Headquarters of AICS Kiev.


17 February 2024

Reading time:

1 min

The Italian Cooperation reaffirmed its commitment to promoting legality, transparency and the fight against corruption in Ukraine during a discussion table, held at the Regional Headquarters of AICS Kiev with a UNDP delegation, involved in the country with projects dedicated to cohesion social, institutional development and transparency, and Giovanni Kessler, former Director of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) from 2011 to 2017. The working table was held after an initial meeting at the Embassy in the presence of Ambassador Pier Francesco Zazo.

Pietro Pipi, Owner of the Regional Office of AICS Kiev, explained that the imminent contribution of 500,000 euros intended for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an integral part of the “Ukraine Country Programme“, aims to specifically support the strengthening the rule of law and anti-corruption initiatives in the country.

This initiative is part of the Italian Government’s efforts to pursue the objectives established in the Memorandum of Understanding to promote fundamental reforms and accompany Ukraine on a path to prospective membership of the European Union. With this financing, the Italian Cooperation confirms its concrete and tangible commitment in supporting the country in its transition towards a more transparent, efficient and law-abiding governance of public affairs“, concluded Pipi.

During the conference, Kessler illustrated European practices in the fight against corruption, sharing reflections on the history of the phenomenon in Ukraine and underlining the strong anti-corruption activity carried out today by independent associations, civil society and journalists.

International solidarity in times of conflict is vital – he explained – particularly now that large flows of funding are arriving and they must be used with maximum transparency. In this sense, Italy can play a key role through its participation in international institutions“.

In addition, attention was paid to aspects related to the impact of corruption on gender issues and the need to carefully monitor potential sextortion phenomena. Preventing such abusive practices, especially in fragile contexts,  requires joint commitment and constant vigilance, especially within international organizations and networks.

Last update: 20/02/2024, 11:47