Mapping of agroecological good practices for the Challenge project

The CHALLENGE - CALL TO ACTION project addresses the issue of climate change and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity through educational actions based on participant observation


30 April 2024

Reading time:

1 min

The Mapping activity of good agroecological practices within the Challenge project has the ambition of photographing, at a national and international level, the know-how developed by civil society in the field of agroecology.

The good practices, after careful evaluation by a committee made up of experts from various disciplines related to the various aspects of agroecology, will be published in a special section of the site where it will be possible to consult them through a filter by topic or location.

The compilation of the good practice is expected on the online platform by May 31st, while the evaluation will be held until July 31st.

In addition to being published on the interactive platform hosted by the Challenge and Azione Terrae website, the three best good practices will be presented during the stages of the Challenge traveling festival starting from August 2024.

The CHALLENGE – CALL TO ACTION project addresses the issue of climate change and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity through educational actions based on participant observation, on the valorization of talents and on the unavoidable relationship between individual and society and is carried out with the contribution of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. 

Last update: 03/05/2024, 15:19