Tanzania: Italy delivers cutting-edge medical equipment in Zanzibar and Dodoma

The initiative, worth 6 million Euro and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), aims to support and strengthen the health facilities and health authorities of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, with a specific focus on improving the quality of maternal and child health services.


24 May 2024

Reading time:

2 min

The handover ceremony of the medical equipment of the Dodoma component of the initiative “Establish a Health Network in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda” a regional program took place today in Dodoma, Tanzania, at the presence of Hon. Rosemary Senyamule, Regional Commissioner of Dodoma, Bwana Kaspar Mmuya, Regional Administrative Secretary, Mr. Jabir Shekimweri, District Commissioner and Dr. Best Magoma, Regional Medical Officer, representatives of the Ministry of Health of Tanzania and local government officials.

The initiative, worth 6 million Euro and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), aims to support and strengthen the health facilities and health authorities of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, with a specific focus on improving the quality of maternal and child health services.

The Dodoma component of the programme, worth 633,102.00 Euro is being implemented by a Consortium of Italian NGOs – Centro Mondialità Sviluppo Reciproco (CMSR), CUAMM Doctors With Africa and CO.PE –supported by the technical experts of the Center for Global Health of the Meyer Hospital in Florence, Italy.

Today’s delivery of medical equipment, which included blood pressure machines, emergency trolleys, doppler machines and stainless steel beds among others, comes just a few weeks after the ceremony held in Zanzibar, where, at the presence of the Ambassador of Italy to Tanzania Marco Lombardi and of the Minister of Health of Zanzibar Hon. Nassor Ahmed Mazrui, cutting-edge medical equipment was delivered to the local authorities.

In Tanzania, the regional project is working towards the increase in the availability and quality of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care in a total of 9 primary health centers located between Zanzibar and Mainland Tanzania.

The equipment is tailored to local context and is accompanied by a component of training and skills improvement. The medical personnel of the target facilities are in fact being trained not only to use the equipment but also to the Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC) services and the Comprehensive Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC) – through on-the-job trainings, sharing of best practices at regional level and thanks to technical learning.

Paolo Razzini, AICS Team Leader in Tanzania, said: “The Italian Agency for Development Cooperation working hard to reach SGD 3 of the Agenda 2030 – Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Bening for all Ages. Today we made another step in this direction, and I want to thank local authorities and the Italian NGOs for their continuous effort towards a world that leaves no one behind.


Last update: 24/05/2024, 15:44