A two-day conference titled “Vision Senegal 2050: Women’s Role, Commitments, and Perspectives” was held in Dakar, organized by Senegal’s Ministry of Family and Solidarity.
The event aimed to amplify the voices of women’s organizations, fostering the exchange of experiences and discussions about the critical role women play in achieving Vision Senegal 2050. Participants included the Ministry, institutional stakeholders, technical and financial partners, and civil society.
Giovanni Grandi, head of the AICS office in Dakar, emphasized Italy’s commitment to supporting the Ministry in identifying and implementing transformative public policies essential to achieving equitable human development.
In his speech, Grandi announced that the Italian Government had approved funding of €5 million for the Project to Support the Strengthening of Leadership and Socioeconomic Inclusion of Women and Girls (PAREL/F).
This project, a product of fruitful collaboration with Senegal’s Ministry, aims to promote leadership and socioeconomic empowerment for women and girls.
In her opening remarks, Minister of Family and Solidarity Maimouna Dieye expressed her gratitude for the contributions of Italian Cooperation in advancing these themes in Senegal.
Discussions during the event’s working groups focused on defining women’s participation in implementing Vision Senegal 2050 and the National Development Policy. Additionally, they outlined flagship actions to foster a new development dynamic supporting female leadership, aimed at a structural transformation of society based on principles of tolerance, justice, and solidarity.