Law no. 125/2014 fosters the participation in development cooperation of Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and other non-profit entities, on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity. The 2030 Agenda also recognizes the importance of the role of civil society as a fundamental player in any inclusive, global partnership aimed at creating a sustainable long-term impact in the partner countries.
This section collects documents and materials useful to the civil organizations and other non-profit entities that intend to engage in initiatives of development cooperation with the support of the Agency, to be carried out prioritarily in the countries and sectors indicated in the three-year program document and orientation of Italian development cooperation policies.
- Why enroll in the CSO List
Enrollment in the list of civil society organizations and other non-profit entities is the PREREQUISITE for participation in the tender calls published by AICS as Proposing/Leading Organization, to access public funds for implementing initiatives of cooperation proposed and/or entrusted by the Agency.
- Eligible Organizations
The organizations eligible to request enrollment in the list are those identified in sect. 2 of art. 26 of law no. 125/2014.
- Who establishes the requisites for enrollment in the list
For purposes of enrollment in the list, art. 26, sect. 3, of law no. 125/2014 assigned to the Joint Committee for Development Cooperation the task of establishing the requisites on the basis of which to determine the validity and experience acquired in the field of development cooperation by the CSO and other non-provide entities.
- How to find the requisites and procedures for enrollment in the list
The requisites, documentation required and procedures for enrolling and remaining on the list are published in Section 4 “Requisites for enrollment” of the “Guidelines for enrollment in the list of non profit organizations ” pursuant to art. 26, sect. 2 and 3, of Law no. 125/2014 and art. 17 of Ministry Decree no. 113/2015, recently amended by the Joint Committee with Resolution no. 87 of July 19, 2021, published on the AICS website.
- Control of possession of the requisites for enrollment
Effective possession of all the requisites contemplated by the Guidelines is checked periodically by the appropriate office.
Pursuant to section 3 of art. 26 of Law no. 125/2014, the AICS checks at least every three years that listed non-profit entities have maintained the requisites for enrollment in the list.